
Titel Datum Plätze
Logo PicoQuant

29. internationaler Workshop zum Thema „Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Super-resolution Microscopy“

Vom 8. bis 10. Oktober 2024 veranstaltet PicoQuant in Berlin den 29. internationalen Workshop zum Thema „Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Super-resolution Microscopy“. Die...
Stadt: Berlin

08.10.2024 - 10.10.2024 externe Veranstaltung
Logo OpTecBB e.V.

Photonics Days 2024

The Photonics Days 2024 will take place on October 9 and 10 as usual at the WISTA Event Center in Berlin-Adlershof. We are expecting more than 400 participants, including numerous international guests...
Stadt: Berlin

08.10.2024 - 11.10.2024
Logo OptecBB e.V./ Berlin Quantum

From PhD to CEO- Pitching Event

The seminar series "From PhD to CEO" hosted by OptecBB, oriented to young researchers and advanced students interested in learning about technology and science entrepreneurship. We are having...
Stadt: Berlin

09.10.2024 - 09.10.2024 externe Veranstaltung
Logo Messe Stuttgart / Photonics BW / Quantum BW

Quantum Effects Start-up Investment Pitches

Immerse yourself in the exciting world of innovation and investment! The start-up investment pitches offer a unique platform that brings together experienced investors and visionary start-ups from...
Stadt: Stuttgart
